Owen - Technical Manager


Meet Owen!

Owen is a qualified machinist & programmer with 20 years in the trade. Owen has been a valued member of our team here at United Machinists. During his stay with us, Owen has moved from the shop floor into a role as the shop foreman. Picking up programming along the way. And from there, his role shifted into Technical Manager. His day-to-day responsibilities keep him quite busy with tool management, problem-solving, programming, and quoting new jobs.

When asked: What is the best thing about United? His response was “The good management team & company culture here.” He is also a big fan of the type of high-tech work we do here, and the new challenges keep him interested and focused.  As he finds it quite rewarding coming up with solutions to problems and overcoming the challenges thrown at him day-to-day.

Outside of the shop, he is a single dad raising two boys, whom he’s very proud of and loves to spend time with.